Test for Men and Women

It’s not easy to be successful at work and at the same time to be liked by co-workers. The test will reveal how successful you are.

Are You Successful or Popular?

People want to be successful at work and also popular among their co-workers. Not everyone can manage it, however. How are you in this regard?

1 The boss reproaches you for coming late to work. How do you respond?

You say, irritated: “Maybe it’s no big deal. Yesterday, I was here into the night finishing some work for the others.ˮ                 ♠

You calmly reply: “I apologize; I’ll stay longer today to make sure I get everything done.ˮ ●

You meekly apologize several times and when the boss leaves, you throw yourself into the job. ☼

You get angry: “Everyone is late, but it happens to me one time, the roof is instantly on fire.ˮ     ♦

2 You lose an important document. The boss is convinced that he put it on your table, but you think that it was a co-worker. What do you say?

“This is certainly the fault of my co-worker next to me; he’s lost so many things…ˮ ♦

You accept the criticism and then you try to fix everything.     ☼

“I’m convinced that this isn’t my fault. But I’ll try to fix it.ˮ ●

“My things are always in order.ˮ     ♠

3 The boss wants to punish your co-worker for a mistake that is partially yours. What do you do?

You admit your guilt. ☼

You remain silent.     ♦

You say: “I don’t think that this was only her mistake. Let’s think over how we can avoid similar things in the future.ˮ       ●

You don’t admit it, but you propose measures for the future. ♠

4 A co-worker turns in your work as his own. What do you do?

Leave it be.     ☼

You don’t tell the boss anything, but you get revenge against the co-worker.   ♦

You say that the work is yours and you can prove it.   ●

You make a right big deal out of this at work.   ♠

5 You do not manage to finish your work. What will follow?

You admit your mistake and talk to the boss about the next step.   ●

You will try to shift the blame to your co-workers.   ♦

You accept criticism with your head bowed.     ☼

This cannot happen to you! When you see that you can’t manage it on time, you don’t hesitate to “involveˮ a co-worker. ♠

6 You find out that one of your co-workers are constantly taking company materials home (paper, pens, advertising items…). What do you do?

Nothing.   ☼

You begin to do it, too.   ♦

You suggest to the boss that it would be good to introduce some measures. ●

Turn-in the co-worker.   ♠

7 You are not happy with the fact that for the same work you have lower pay than a co-worker. Which approach do you choose?

You request a raise and at the same time point out your merits.   ●

You request a raise, point out your merits and at the same time demonstrate the co-worker’s faults. ♠

Come to terms with this situation   ☼

Pour out your anger on the relevant co-worker.   ♦

8 Several times when you entered a room, your co-workers have gone quiet. How does your behaviour toward them change?

It doesn’t change. But at least you’ll know that you don’t have to take them into consideration in critical situations.   ♠

You try to win them over to your side.   ☼

You ask what they have against you.   ●

You get revenge against them at the next opportunity.   ♦

9 The entire team must work overtime to get a job done. Which strategy do you select?

At any price you try to avoid working overtime.   ♦

You stay at work, but you make sure the boss appreciates it   ●

You stay only if the boss is going to check up on you.   ♠

Without any claim on a reward, you will work for co-workers who for serious reasons cannot stay.   ☼


Check to see what symbol best matches your answers.

  • You know how to fight for your rights, but you have respect towards co-workers and you behave fairly towards them. You thus have the best prerequisites to be successful at work without having to sacrifice your popularity in the collective. However, so long as omnipresent human envy doesn’t get to you.

♠ You probably belong among successful people who always try to climb the ladder. However, the fact that you are capable of climbing over dead bodies for it has a large share in your success. Therefore, you will perhaps never belong among the favourite members of a collective. If you want to change, you have to be more considerate and appreciate the work of others.

☼ People like you are favourites in a collective. Your co-workers may always rely on your help. But you often do work for others and no one appreciates it. If you aren’t lucky enough to have a perfect boss, who himself notices everything you do for the company, you will not achieve any success. If you want to change this, you must build up healthy confidence.

♦ At first you want to be successful, and you are really willing to do a lot for this. Unfortunately, you take it to the incorrect end, so that you cannot expect thanks for your boss or co-workers. If you want to change the given situation somehow, you have to begin to work on yourself in all directions.

Photo: unsplash.com