Maderotherapy for Beautiful Skin


Do you want to spend the summer in a swimsuit but are ashamed to expose your skin? One of the reasons is cellulite, which affects more than 85% of women.

However, it can be effectively reduced using the latest non-invasive method, maderotherapy. Thousands of women are happy with the results. Why is the method so successful?

Effective Maderotherapy

Expensive creams, peeling, or gels promise to rid the skin of cellulite in a few days. However, the result often does not appear even after long-time use. Maderotherapy can effectively fight cellulite. This technique originated in Brazil and Colombia, although its history goes back to the Far East. It uses wooden massage rollers of various shapes and different anatomically shaped wooden aids. They form and massage multiple parts of the body at the same time.


Cellulite Fighter

Cellulite is a problem for every other woman, but it can be effectively and successfully combated. A massage called maderotherapy breaks down the stored fat under the skin and, at the same time, helps circulation. The pale skin and slowed lymphatic system result in the formation of unpleasant orange skin. You can see the results on your skin after just five sessions. However, supporting the procedures with a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, and regular drinking regimens is essential. Since maderotherapy is a non-invasive method, it is suitable for both women and men.

Maderotherapy More than Beneficial

You are mistaken if you think that maderotherapy is just a pleasant body massage. Maderotherapy is more beneficial than traditional body massages. Massage with wooden aids improves the circulation of lymph and blood. It is designed to boost the metabolism and tighten the skin. At the same time, it removes excess water and accumulated toxins from the body. Repeated maderotherapy will make your body firmer, healthier, and also slimmer. The skin will be firm, well-circulated, and smooth.


Slimmer Body

Maderotherapy works mainly against cellulite, but at the same time, it also fights various disproportions of the body. Women usually long for slimmer hips, abdomen, or buttocks. This popular method allows you to remove a few centimeters of your thighs or hips. Of course, a few sessions will not guarantee a person will miraculously lose tens of kilograms. However, regular maderotherapy brings visible results and, as a bonus, beautiful, firm, and nicely toned skin.

Text: Michaela Miňová, photo: