Useful Weed

Useful Weed

Many types of weeds grow in gardens yearly and offer unusual culinary experiences. In addition to garden species, it is worth trying other types of weeds and wild plants. Chickweed, a common garden weed, offers a unique culinary experience. Beyond...
Do you like crunchy nuts and always have a bowl of different trail mix on the table? We have "mixed" the insights of the nutritionist and the chef and asked them what healthy food and cuisine think about nuts. Anti-inflammatory...
Matcha is a green tea potion that is a current trend in the tea world. It has a distinctive green color and an irresistible sweet taste! Matcha Madness Recently, we have seen healthy green matcha drinks not only on the drink...
Spring is in full swing, and in addition to our outfits, we often change our eating habits during this period. We choose lighter meals and include foods that will give us energy and strengthen our immunity. So, which foods...
Black salsify, sometimes referred to as black oyster, was once a popular vegetable. Recently, interest in useful plants has been growing again, and there are also more recipes for preparing them at home. Nowadays, black salsify can be found...

Delicious Venison

The average Slovak person consumes about 63 kg of meat per year, of which game represents only 1.1 kg. Venison has more benefits for humans because it contains less fat. What else is characteristic of this meat? It is rich...
Aging is a natural process of the skin that we cannot stop, but we can reduce its symptoms. We can do this with cosmetic products and food. So, let's get some anti-aging foods that will make your skin look younger! Valuable...

Trendy Treats

People are naturally curious creatures who enjoy challenging their taste buds with new and unfamiliar flavors. While we all have our favorite dishes, we also occasionally indulge in something different, traveling into uncharted culinary territory. Some people are so...
Pomegranate, melograna, grenade or granada - these and other names refer to one of the most delicious fruits originating from the subtropical regions of the world. Allegedly, it was also a well-known biblical apple that grew on the tree...
Interest in plant-based food products is constantly growing. Every second person in Slovakia aged 25-35 is currently reducing or considering reducing animal-based food consumption. A wide range of plant-based alternatives to meat and meat products, dairy, cheese, and fish, is...

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