This Year, Warm Peach Fuzz Reigns in the Interior


Peach fuzz, the color of 2024, is gentle and wants to remind us to care for ourselves and others. What combinations do the most skillful interior designers recommend? When Pantone Color announced the Color of the Year, its CEO said that peach fuzz is an elegant and warm color.

Therefore, it might completely change the entire atmosphere and look of your home. Interior designer Daniela Mazúrová says that this color can round the room, refine the edges, and tone down the space. “It feels harmonious and soft, which nicely complements the interior. And, if it’s the main color, it should have more significance.”

Josef Trakal, an interior designer, points out that this is often a marketing move. He agrees that it works in industries where trends change quickly. Fortunately, when furnishing houses and apartments, the trends do not change so fast. “ Why should coziness depend on the color of the year? In interiors, it is a long-term feeling. So you can bring the color of the year into the space through small accessories such as pillows, candles, or flowerpots.” He agrees with Mazúrová, concluding that this color is a bit of a risk in large areas.


However, you can be confident in combining different colors with peach fuzz. Both experts confirmed that it clearly “matches” the white color. However, as Mazurová adds, since it is a pastel color, it matches the pastel palette and neutral or metallic tones. And apparently, even in the triple combination. Trakal can imagine toning it with beige or earthy shades, too. He emphasized again that he would not use it as the primary color in the interior.
“From my point of view, it is a tone that you will quickly fall in love with, but after a few months, the color can be overwhelming.”

peachThe interior designer adds that large walls and bigger pieces of furniture in peach fuzz can be “afforded,” for example, in beauty salons or girls’ rooms. “The aforementioned complementary color on pillows, curtains, and other home textiles is suitable for stores, showrooms, or family interiors.”

Mazurová also distinguishes among interior types. “If we have an elegant or luxurious interior in warm tones, the peach fuzz will look nicely with golden shades, walnut wood, and the mentioned white color.” However, she approaches the cold color palette differently. “Let’s opt for chrome, gray, but also white and cold shades of woody decor.”

The interior designer also confirmed that peach fuzz is a gentle color largely popular among women. We asked how her male colleague perceived it.

“In general, we can say that there is a palette of shades that ladies prefer more than gentlemen. But on the other hand, it’s highly individual. Even a woman can feel comfortable in the men’s interior style and vice versa. Personally, I do not categorize it, and I always work according to the client’s requirements.”


Go with your own preferences, but if you intend to brighten up the space and add a modern element and the imaginary feeling of a soft touch, a blend of orange and pink in the form of peach fuzz will be a good choice. So, now, are you already choosing a suede pillowcase or velvet curtain in a fluffy, peachy color?

Text: Eva Vašková, photo:,,