How do you decide where to go for your weekend trips? Whether the decisive factors for you are the shopping opportunities, the cultural scene, the nightlife or the spirit of the place, you must enjoy Berlin. And beware, the German...
The movie about President Tomáš G. Masaryk is coming to the movie theaters. He is shown not only as a political visionary and a democracy defender, but also as a flesh and blood man who recapitulates his marriage and...
An indescribable atmosphere, the best artistic works and experiences which no shopping centre will ever offer you. So, instead of spending your weekend shopping, pack your things and head out on the road to some of the best world galleries...
From time immemorial Istanbul, Turkey, has been a city heavily associated with trade. It is also a crossroads of cultures and a fascinating metropolis touching on two continents, a gateway to the Orient and a favourite destination for travellers. From...

To Many Events in 2023

With the retrospective Helmut Newton Legacy (19. 10. 2022 – 15. 01. 2023), the Kunstforum will be celebrating the Berlin photographer’s hundredth birthday (1920–2004) – delayed because of corona, but all the more comprehensive, with 300 or more works that...
Italy is predominantly perceived as a summer destination with a seaside or a rich history and monuments. However we still have an option to see it from another perspective: whether it's natural heritage or modern architecture at unexpected places. One...
The capital of Qatar, Doha, is often linked in the media with sporting events in cycling or tennis or the latest with preparations for the World Cup in football in 2022. But a person who visits it sees the...
They had not been married when they had an insistent vision to spend at least one year adventurously wandering around the world. They underwent the expedition as "Harovci". Thirty-somethings Lenka and Dávid Haring recently, at least mentally, acknowledged that it...
A trip to Moosham is not only for the courageous who are drawn to mysteries but also for lovers of history and beautiful art collections. Moosham, lying in picturesque countryside in the Lungau region near Salzburg, is reportedly one of...
Slovak and Czech filmmakers decided to address an alarming current topic – what might happen when smart technologies cease being controllable? The new Slovak film Dôverný nepriateľ (Intimate Enemy), which is just arriving in cinemas, posits a fundamental question: are...

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