Hurray, We’re Going to a Party!


The first of June belongs to all kids! It is also the first day of the last month before school holidays. This is a great opportunity to celebrate this day with a fun party, where besides the fun and snacks you can also have a stylish table and accessories.

The end of the school year is on the horizon along with the coveted free days that go with it. Are you, too, excited about how you’ll rest from your school obligations? Celebrate this moment and prepare a fun feast for your children and their friends.

Tips For Entertainment 

The best idea is to invite small guests into the garden. They can go wild amid the greenery and fresh air. Make them a lot of treats and think up some fun games for them to play. Do you know what kids always like? A surprise! It can be a small one, but it must be a genuine surprise. Put a small toy or book into the shiny paper and hide it – perhaps in a garden gnome. And when the child is led to the target only by correctly answering a riddle, there will be no shortage of fun.

Gnomes from recognized designer Philippe Starck can reliably watch over rollicking children and later your garden. Price per gnome: 249 €. Price per table: 219 €.

One great game which is fun for everyone is also an adventurous treasure hunt on water. First, make a sailboat from walnuts: split them open, remove the nut and clean out the shells. Cut small triangles out of paper and glue them to toothpicks, which you stick to the bottom of the shell with the opposite end. Make an island out of large cork and put a treasure chest on it. Make the treasure chest by painting over a matchbox. Pour water into a large bowl or baby tub and put the treasure island into it. The first to blow his boat to the treasure wins.

An original Tropical palm cooling box from Amscan. Price: 13.93 $.

Ready in a Jiffy 

You have to prepare for every party in advance: buy the necessary amount of ingredients and spread out the preparation of snacks. How do you make a hungry person happy? Try a homemade hamburger, for which you’ll need: 4 tomatoes, 1 chicken cutlet (about 150 g), dried rosemary, 1 tsp. of lard, mustard, 2 whole grains, leaf lettuce and cucumber. Salt and season the meat and sprinkle with rosemary and cook on both sides – for a total of 10 to 12 minutes. Then let it cool down. Slice the tomatoes and cucumber and then the meat. Cut the buns, spread mustard on them, put on the lettuce, tomato, cucumber and put the top of the bun on. From the given quantity you can prepare two portions.

A dolphin emitting up to 500 bubbles per minute will certainly create fun. Price: 24.99 £.

You can also prepare banana dishes as a sweet. You will need: 2 bags of circular sponge biscuits, 7 bananas, 4 bards of baking chocolate, a white glaze, toothpicks. Slice the bananas into wheels, put them between two biscuits and joint them with a toothpick. Then alternately dip them in melted chocolate and white glazing. Put them on a plate, allow them to cool and put in the refrigerator. Let them stand for 24 hours.

In hot weather, the wet drops from the garden shower Duo feel good. Price: 990 Kč.

A great vitamin bomb is also a good idea! Choose the type and amount of fruit according to taste and the number of children. The main principle is that they need to be fresh. Cut the fruit into small pieces, mix and pour in a small amount of 100% fruit juice. Let it stand for about 50 minutes. You can serve this healthy dessert can be served with a scoop of whipped cream.

A zebra jug offering refreshing drinks will interest the youngest. Price: 25 £.

Whip up a non-traditional sweet from the dried fruit: alternately thread apricots, apples, papaya and dates on a piece of twine. Alternate the fruit by colour, so that the edible hanging decoration is as dazzling as possible. Cleverly arrange them, and let the feast begin!

Text: Dagmar Murgašová, photo: samphotostock,,,,