From Babylon to Hollywood

Martyn Lawrence Bullard a Cole & Son
The Zerzura pattern symbolizes an oasis of small birds. It is made by a complicated method and recalls embroidery.

Martyn Lawrence Bullard and Cole & Son. A world-renowned designer and a recognized manufacturer join forces to create a unique collection of wallpapers.

Martyn Lawrence Bullard, who ranks among the most influential designers in the world, is not coming across the British maker of wallpapers for the first time on his creative path.

“I was always an admirer of Cole & Sonˮ, says M. L. Bullard. “I have used the wallpapers of this maker in my work for the past two decades. Their quality is unsurpassed, the collections are unique.ˮ

Martyn Lawrence Bullard a Cole & Son
The luxurious metallic tones of gold and wooden charcoal are one of the colour combinations of the wallpaper Hollywood Palm.

This is also documented in the rich collections of Cole & Son,  which originated in 1875 in London and rapidly acquired a major position among manufacturers dealing with the design and production of wallpapers. In its archives we find rare originals representing all the styles from the 19th century. The wallpapers of Cole & Son decorate the walls of many historical buildings, such as Buckingham Palace or the seat of the British Parliament – the Palace of Westminster. The company has maintained its reputation into the present and still stuns with its innovative and beautiful decor. Now wonder, then, that Martyn L. Bullard considers this cooperation as an exceptional moment in his own work.

“This collection is the apotheosis of my love for all world design mixed with the experience and the craft mastery of a world supplier of wallpapers,ˮ says the renowned designer.

Martyn Lawrence Bullard a Cole & Son
Babylon consists of known aspects of Bullard’s style, such as ancient arches and decadent flowers in bold tones.

A Game According to Your Own Imagination

The deep respect that M. L. Bullard and Cole & Son have towards traditional craft processing, is elegantly reflected in the complex, manually drawn designs. The collection consists of 13 patterns, enabling everyone to create an interior according to his or her own liking. This was also one of the aims of the designer, who emphasizes that no boundaries exist in how to use wallpapers. They can be used to decorate walls, but also furniture, doors, lampshades, in short, any surface whatsoever. Bullard designs them so that they can be combined with one another, layered and used to create surprising details.

In the Modern Spirit With a Homey Atmosphere

Martyn Lawrence Bullard a Cole & Son
English trees, framed by a mosaic inspired by the facade of the Wazir Khan mosque in Lahore, Pakistan, are the central motif of the decor of the Sultan’s Palace.

The wallpapers capture Bullard’s passion for travelling, for everything exotic and unexpected. The collection stands out in its colours. The modern and unusual colour pallet even infiltrates the oldest design inspirations in the collection, which gives the wallpapers a fresh and exciting accent.

“Martyn is a rich source of inspiration – from his desired style, unique personality and enthusiasm and passion for mastery of craft the possibilities of design seem to be never-ending,ˮ says Carley Bean, head designer of Cole & Son, evaluating the cooperation. She appreciates the designer’s ability to easily integrate styles and influences from all over the world into beautiful and expressive interiors full of life.

Text: Dagmar Murgašová, photo: Paul Raeside, style: Susie Clegg