Quail eggs – An Effective Tool Against Allergies

Quail eggs

In ancient China or Egypt, the doctors used quail eggs to treat allergic rhinitis, asthma, hay fever, or bronchial asthma.

Modern science has revealed the enormous potential hidden in small “spotty” eggs. The scientific adventure of quail eggs began in 1960 when French quail breeder R. Cordonnier observed his wife’s asthmatic symptoms and shortness of breath gradually disappear after regular consumption of quail eggs. The effects of a nutritionally rich delicacy, such as quail eggs, confirmed another breeder who saw the beneficial impact on his neighbors. Rumors of quail eggs’ results have reached the French doctor Dr. Truffièr from Rochefort, France, and triggered a great demand for the luxurious delicacy. Dr. Truffière later spread the use of quail eggs for medicinal purposes in Western Europe. In the late 1960s, he communicated with two patients suffering from chronic asthma and claimed to had been cured by consuming raw quail eggs. The French doctor thus gathered the knowledge of Chinese doctors and all the new findings. Based on them, he began to treat patients with various allergic symptoms and became immediately successful. His results are especially important now when the number of allergy sufferers is continually rising.

Quail eggs

Immune System Needs Training

The sharp increase in the number of allergy sufferers is due to several factors – especially the polluted environment and too frequent use of antibiotics or excessive hygiene. The so-called Farm studies have shown that overly sterile environments aren’t the best idea for young children. If we overdo it with hygiene and try to use all sorts of cleaning products to create a directly sterile clean environment, the gradually developing immune system of a child who grows up in such an environment comes into contact with a much smaller number of stimuli. However, the immune system needs to be stimulated because it is a  natural “training” for it. Thus, the child’s immune system can begin to respond to common and otherwise harmless substances with an inadequate response. The result is an allergic reaction.

They help with allergies to various pollens, feathers, mites, cat, and dog fur.

Attack by Histamine

Allergens that can trigger an allergic reaction are diverse and countless. These substances do not usually cause people any problems, but they are a disaster for allergy sufferers. The most common allergens are, for example, pollen of various plants, the fur of domestic animals, dust, mite excretions, mold spores, different foods, and the like. The so-called IgE antibodies mediate the allergic reaction. “Depending on what an individual has developed such an antibody against, it responds to certain specific stimuli: mite allergens in house dust, animal fur, pollen or mold spores in the air, specific food ingredients, and so on,” explains the immunoallergologist, MUDr. Martin Hrubiško, PhD.,  in his publication – Histamine Intolerance: known and unknown. Thus, upon contact with the allergen, the immune system cells are activated and begin to produce the mentioned antibodies – immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies cause histamine to be released from specialized mast cells. On the one hand, our body naturally creates and stores them in the form of granules in mast cells, but we also receive histamine in food. As a result of the release of histamine from mast cells during an allergic reaction, manifestations such as secretion formation, swelling of the nasal mucosa, coughing, sneezing, redness of the eyes, itching, skin rashes, and the like are known.

Quail eggs

Antihistamines in a Nutshell

Although conventional antihistamines help to control allergic symptoms, they have side effects – they often cause drowsiness or reduce concentration. An excellent alternative is an extract from quail eggs.

Dr. has also noticed the beneficial effects of quail eggs when fighting allergies. Fasoli Armando, general practitioner and surgeon from the Asti province in Italy. He treated 275 adult patients with asthma, allergic rhinitis, or urticaria (allergy) associated with quail egg extract. Almost 100% of patients with urticaria recovered entirely during the two years of treatment. In 90% of patients with asthmatic symptoms, they disappeared after 18 months of treatment. Besides, 40% of patients experienced improvements in overall well-being and energy performance.

Quail eggs

Ovomucoids and Ovoinhibitors

What is the secret of the quail eggs? They contain ovomucoids and ovoinhibitors, enzymes that suppress the symptoms of allergies. According to immunoallergiologists, various types of mediators are released from these mast cells in an allergic reaction upon contact of an allergen with a specific IgE antibody that is bound to mast cells. The most famous is histamine. And until recently, most allergic symptoms were attributed to histamine. However, various proteolytic enzymes, so-called proteases, are also involved in allergic reactions. Unlike classical antihistamines, the antiallergic ovomucoids block the proteases’ effect. The advantage of ovomucoids and ovoinhibitors is that they are resistant to enzymes’ performance in the digestive tract, so they are useful even after oral administration.

Mucosal Barrier

For an allergen to trigger a reaction of the immune system, it needs to penetrate the body through the respiratory tract or digestive tract’s mucosal barrier. If the mucosal barrier is broken, for example, it quickly enters the body as in smokers or due to inflammation. The researchers found that the mucosal barrier can be damaged even by the allergens themselves due to proteases, which contain mainly pollen allergens. And it is ovomucoids that can prevent this effect. Their advantage is that they act directly in the center of the allergic reaction and have a preventive effect. They help maintain the mucous membranes’ barrier function, so they prevent the allergen from reaching the cells that trigger the allergic reaction.

Quail eggs

Lyophilized powder

Pills with quail egg powder, which is obtained by lyophilizing whole raw eggs, are currently available for people suffering from allergies. This process destroys all bacteria and other pathogens. The pills’ effect will appear within 15 minutes, and the advantage is that you will not suffer from side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, short attention, headaches, or dry mouth when taking them. Anyone can take them; the only contraindication is an allergy to egg protein. They help with allergies to various pollens, feathers, mites, cat, and dog fur.

Quail eggs Are More than a Delicious Food

  • They are nutritionally wealthy and, at the same time, light.
  • They are five times smaller than hen’s eggs, weighing about 20 grams.
  • 100 g of quail egg has 153 calories.
  • 100 g of quail egg contains 13 g of protein, 0.5 g of carbohydrates, 0.8 mg of cholesterol, some B vitamins, choline, other vitamins, essential polyunsaturated omega-3, and omega-6 fatty acids, zinc, phosphorus, selenium.
  • They contain the enzymes ovomucoids and ovoinhibitors. They suppress the activity of trypsin – a substance that triggers a complex cascade of processes and the release of histamine from mast cells.

Text: Miriam Bartošová, photo: photo: www.stock.adobe.com