Mobility of the Future


Not only carmakers but also research and development centers that prefer air transportation are focusing on the mobility of the future.

Several companies have started exploring the possibilities of combining ground and air transport. Simply put, there are multiple attempts to build flying cars. There is one such project in Slovakia as well. Now, however, we are going to California, where Alef Aeronautics is working on a flying car project. While other projects use retractable wings to fly the car, in the case of the electrically powered Alef Model A, it involves vertical takeoff and landing operations. Its body is perforated to reduce air resistance during flight.


Multiannual Work

Alef Aeronautics’ team, which includes several companies, investors, and technical associates, began work on this project in 2015. Jim Dukhovny, CEO of Alef, said: “Alef is a modern solution for cities and rural transportation needs in the 21st century, as it is the fastest and most convenient mode of transport ever created, from the starting point to the final destination. The Alef flying car allows users to choose between driving and flight modes.


The optimal route will depend on road conditions, weather, and infrastructure.” The Model A has a distributed electric drive and covered propellers (eight of them). It is also equipped with an extensive flight stabilization and safety software system. The most important safety components include, among others, three- to eight-fold security for key components, thousand-point real-time diagnostics, pre-flight diagnostics for start rejection, detection, and obstacle avoidance.


A Promising Future

Alef Aeronautics has been conducting test drives and real-size prototype flights since 2019. At the same time, they are also developing the Model Z sedan for four passengers, which is expected to appear on the market in 2035, with an estimated price of $35,000.


The development team for the Alef Model A flying vehicle declares a range of 200 miles (about 320 km), a range of 110 miles (about 180 km), and a flight speed of over 400 km/h. The vehicle price is set at $300,000, and pre-orders were launched in October of last year. Production and distribution to customers will begin in the fourth quarter of 2025; until then, negotiations will likely continue regarding regulations for flying vehicle control and ensuring comprehensive flight mode safety.


Model A Certification

Since July 2023, the test vehicle has been certified by the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). This is a special certificate of airworthiness that enables this driving/flying car to be operated in a restricted mode. Simultaneously, the FAA is actively working on its Principles for Vertical Takeoff and Landing Electric Vehicles (eVTOLs) and managing interactions between eVTOLs and ground infrastructure. This mode of transport for one to two people is also categorized as a low-speed vehicle, meaning it should travel at a maximum speed of 40 km/h in road traffic. Approval from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is still required for the vehicle to be entirely roadworthy.


The available information indicates that a pilot’s license should not be required to drive the vehicle.

Text: Peter Stano, photo: Alef Aeronautics