Cocoa Was a Gift, a Means of Payment and a Medicine

Today we can commonly buy it, but it was once a rarity. Initially, cocoa did not catch on in Europe, because the original taste of cocoa powder was uninviting, bitter.

Today we can commonly buy it, but it was once a rarity. Initially, cocoa did not catch on in Europe, because the original taste of cocoa powder was uninviting, bitter. Only after sugar was added did its popularity began to grow, and with it arose the many treats that are made with cocoa.

The path of cocoa is a long one, a truly long one. Cocoa originates with the grinding of the treated seeds of a huge tropical tree – Theobroma cacao. It thrives only in warm, damp climates; it can only be cultivated in the tropics. A peculiarity of this tree is the inconspicuous white flowers, which grow directly from the trunk. From them later grow oval-shaped, green, then reddish to orange fruits. On one tree some 50 – 80 fruits will grow. However, we are still a long way away from cocoa powder.

Divine Food

The fruits contain flesh as well as many purple to reddish seeds, which are manually collected. During the final fermentation process the seeds lose their germinating ability and they change into the characteristic brown colour and acquire their well-known aroma. The unpleasant bitter flavour is also removed. The resulting products of this entire process are the so-called cocoa beans. This sounds unbelievable, but these very cocoa beans were once used as a form of payment.

It thrives only in warm, damp climates; it can only be cultivated in the tropics.

After drying the cocoa beans are put into a roaster, where they lose their water and fully develop their characteristic traits. The subsequent grinding or pressing results in cocoa butter and cocoa powder – ingredients necessary for the production of the favourite chocolate.


Christopher Columbus

This famous figure is credited with bringing cocoa from South America to Europe in the 16th century. First to Spain and Portugal, but gradually elsewhere. The largest plants for the processing of cocoa beans originated in the Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries. First was the Netherlands, which is still today labelled as a country of cocoa. Today it sounds unbelievable, but cocoa was a valued gift. The first production plants for making chocolate arose in France.

Africa is First

The cocoa tree, although we have known it in Europe for “onlyˮ a few centuries, has been cultivated for more than 2000 years. The first to cultivate it were the ancient Mayans and Aztecs, who established the first cocoa plantations. They labelled these trees as heavenly. Cocoa even had a major role in ancient cultural rites. Testimony to this is at least partially in the Latin name for the tree – Theobroma – from theos for God and broma for fruit.


The first beverages from cocoa powder originated in Italy, in Florence. Drinking this first form of hot cocoa gradually expanded to other countries. Beverages from cocoa were considered to be a delicacy and curative. At present, cocoa and products made from it are favourites among old and younger people; it is an inseparable part of our lives, although reportedly the sources of cocoa are endangered.

Today a great many cocoa trees are grown in Ghana. The first plantations originated here in the 19th century. Cocoa is also cultivated in Central America and western India, as well as in Malaysia and the Philippines. Several cocoa trees also grow in European botanical gardens, naturally, these serve more for scientific purposes.

Text and photo: Daniel Koštál