IT – Information Technology is Our Main Focus


Last year, you celebrated a quarter-century on the market. How do you look at it?

That time flies very fast. Yes, last year it was 25 years since we were under the brand name NTS – Nové technologie A služby s.r.o. (New Technologies and Services Ltd.). But we started much earlier as freelancers. Well-prepared from school, with international experience and a desire to bring the latest technological achievements to customers.

What has changed over time?

We started when there was a thirst for IT: the Novell was on top, Lotus Notes was on top, Microsoft brought its first Windows, and we wanted mobile phones… From school, we were ready for artificial intelligence – AI. We saw that computers were usable everywhere. Today, we are starting to use AI commonly; Novell does not exist, and Microsoft is at the top…What we wanted – laptops, mobile phones, working from home- is all a reality. We just wanted more free time with these new technologies, and it looks like we have less and less.

Safety was and still is a top topic.

What milestones have you achieved?

Our vision has remained unchanged. We are bringing the latest technology to customers. We were among the first to have Microsoft-certified engineers – the highest certification you could achieve. When you add certification and cooperation with IBM, then the project of the first Microsoft cluster for SAP on IBM servers is successful. Several top network solutions on 3 COM network elements (today HP – Hewlett Packard) showed our network knowledge. Safety was and still is a top topic. A cluster firewall solution with Symantec is now widespread. A few years ago, it was something special.

What topics do you deal with today?

IT  – information technology is our main focus. Over the years, we have gained experience; we are still growing and bringing our customers the latest technologies. Today, however, we look at the customer from a broader perspective. We help solve all the challenges that customers face.


Tisax and the automotive industry. Are you a part of this, too?

We are ISO 9001 certified in NTS. We help customers improve quality and speed up processes. That is why there is a new service for our clients. Automotive service providers and suppliers process susceptible information from their partners and clients daily. Therefore, they require evidence of compliance with strict data and information security requirements. Therefore, in 2017, ENX (European Network Exchange) developed a standard called  “TISAX®” – Trusted Information Security Assessment eXchange.

TISAX® is based on the requirements of VDA, ISA and is based on the key elements of ISO/IEC 27001 (VDA is the German Automotive Association, and ISA stands for: “Information Security Assessment.” An important part of TISAX is also the correct disposal of data, which we provide via Information carriers (CDs, floppy disks, magnetic tapes, video cassettes, films, etc.), Plastic data carriers (microfiches and microfilms), Documents (letters, delivery notes, invoices, notes, forms, etc.), Hard drives ( HDD, USB, keys, etc.), which are already destroying carriers and disposing of unnecessary data. But this is preceded by their protection.

We provide financing for projects.

Yes, the data protection is much more enjoyable, provided nothing happened.

By combining properly distributed hardware devices, backing up and using software applications, and physical security, you can intelligently create an environment that eliminates or mitigates the impact of data loss or theft. These concepts include data protection and disaster recovery, cybersecurity, and NIS 2.


You mentioned your networking skills. How do you look at safety there?

The basis of network security is firewalls. The setting requires experienced experts in enterprise environments. Rules on these network devices and other locations on switches, access points, and routers determine part of your network’s security level. We pay attention to correctly setting rules and evaluating the required approaches of users with an impact on network security. But setting up your devices is just the beginning. The next step is network monitoring.

Knowing what happens on the network and individual network devices is the basis for analyzing the network environment. By collecting data and detailed logging, we can assess weaknesses. By constantly monitoring and setting limit parameters, we can send notifications in the event of unusual behavior on the network or outages of individual routes or devices.

But what if I don’t have the cash for the latest IT projects right away?

We provide financing for projects. We can divide any IT project, purchase, service, and software into regular payments through our financial partners. We transform capex into opex. By spreading payments over 12 to 60 months, you get free funds that you can use for your core business. Every month, you know the amount of IT operating costs. In the case of purchase, the amount repaid is flexibly adjusted according to the lease agreement. At the end of the life of IT equipment, you do not have to look for funding resources. You already count them in your monthly expenses. If you decide to return the goods, you are guaranteed their ecological disposal. And, of course, you will get detailed records about IT technology. How many pieces, what configuration, and what software you have available


Which of the latest projects would you mention at the end?

Exciting projects include the visitor system. A visitor system that helps businesses /regardless of size/ manage visitors to secure spaces and data. From a safety point of view, it ensures:

  • Preliminary / screening test for Covid-19 symptoms
  • pre-registration will guarantee an overview of who/where/when – (about people who are on the premises on a given day)
  • sending emergency messages
  • identity verification thanks to the ID Match function – passport and ID card verification.
  • the possibility of signing legal documents and confidentiality agreements
  • detection of unwanted visitors
  • integration with the already-used control system

Text: PR, photo: