Fascinator or Men’s Pin. Unconventional in our wardrobes?


The dress may have accentuated her figure, but the buckle in her hair looked more attractive. The material from which his pants were made was exceptional, but they “left their eyes” on the cufflinks. It can be said that the clothes themselves are “not enough” for an ordinary day or a special occasion. We need accessories. Sometimes even those “with a label” – unconventional.

Marcela Jurigová, a makeup artist who helps women find the proper harmony in clothes, says that it all depends on the personal style of a particular woman. “For some, a scarf with distinctive patterns is already unconventional. Others choose a fascinator for the wedding or ear wraps to refresh their look during the day.”

AccessoriesHowever, as Marcela added, everything is also a matter of the environment and, in some cases, culture. “For example, the fascinators above can be perceived as unconventional in Slovakia. In Scotland or other countries, most women wear them on various occasions.”

If it is said that everything has already been in fashion and certain elements are repeated. Headbands for hair or even fanny packs currently confirm this. “A few years ago they were ‘out,’ and today they are a trend that has remained here for more than two seasons.” Similarly, the makeup artist perceives the snake symbol. It is part of rings or necklaces. Although it is not popular with everyone, when it forms part of an individual style, it has its place even though it is not so typical. Snake or tiger patterns are the same example. Sometimes they are ‘in’, other times they are not. Some people wear them all the time because they suit them, they identify with them. They don’t worry about whether they’re in or not.”

AccessoriesHowever, Marcela stated an important fact about the “unusualness in the wardrobe.” Clients come to it, not because of unconventionality but mainly to create a wardrobe to make head and tail of it. “I do this so that the clients in my style I create stand out naturally, unobtrusively, without shocking elements.

AccessoriesThe men’s wardrobe should not deal with trends either. As a men’s fashion coach and etiquette expert, Jakub Abraham also reminds us that details have their place there, too. “I really like the different accessories in the men’s wardrobe. For example, a pin or a men’s brooch can never be missing from the lapel of my jacket. It is a symbol of something close to me or associated with the situation or society in which I find myself. You always need to choose the right option. There is space for experiments at various fashion shows or informal events.”

Jakub highlights the pocket square as an exciting accessory. “The pocket on the jacket is just here to highlight, to lift the whole and give it a specific meaning. After all, we talk with clothes.” However, Jakub noted that just as a pocket square is a good choice, a wooden bow tie is a “step away.” As a men’s fashion expert, he’s glad they’re on the retreat.


The recurring history in men’s fashion is perhaps even more common than in women’s. Jakub confirms that. Trends are here; they are evolving, but in essence, today’s men’s suits are similar to those of sixty, seventy, or even a hundred years ago. “But what has changed are the cuts and materials. And I’m not just talking about suits. I’m talking about pants or jackets in general. I would like to see many of the cuts returned to normal clothing. I feel that today we only know two extremes, too ‘slim’ or extra ‘oversized.’ Which is a pity. It would be worth more to be inspired by the men’s fashion of the last century. There is definitely something to it, and it would not be a step back, but at least two forward.”

Text: Eva Vašková, photo: pexels.com