Relationship Problems?


They are also triggers for stress, burnout, work overload of a woman on maternity leave, or fear of fatherhood – all of these can be the cause of disagreements between partners.

According to therapist Miroslava Albertová from the online therapy platform Hedepa, the most common trigger of relationship problems is communication. It hides, for example, “lack of time to communicate, illegibility of one or both partners, burnout of one of the partners, work overload of the wife on maternity leave, stressed spouses at work, infidelity, disregard for the boundaries of the other, excessive interference of the close family in the upbringing of children and the relationship of spouses or financial problems”.

However, individual therapy or a combination of both is also a suitable tool

These problems accumulate, there are never-ending arguments, sharper verbal attacks or reluctance to have sex and a partner.

“Couples therapy is a great tool for solving problems in a relationship because it offers “liberating” oneself in the relationship with their partner,” explains the therapist. However, individual therapy or a combination of both is also a suitable tool.


Communication is the main pillar of any healthy and functional relationship. However, according to the therapist, it is also essential to:

  • Being able to listen to the other person – listening to your partner means showing interest and respect. These builds trust and intimacy in the relationship.
  • Thinking about what is bothering the other person – empathy is a key element in a partnership.
  • Knowing “read between the lines” and understand what my partner wants to say to me by what he says. Not only in heated situations but also in normal ones when everything is in order.
  • Keeping your boundaries and respecting the boundaries of the other is a reflection of the partner’s respect and, at the same time, a way to build a safe environment in the relationship.

Text: Miriam Bartošová, photo:,