“Mr.” and “Mrs.” of the Basic Wardrobe

Basic Wardrobe

Looking into our wardrobe is a little bit like looking into our souls. We choose T-shirts, pants, jackets, and other clothes because we like them, we feel comfortable in them, and they are a bit part of our personality. However, there are also the “must have” items or the basics for leisure time, a business meeting, or the theater. We asked experts who help women and men choose the right style for the essential items of our outfits.

When we buy something for ourselves, it is not always something special. Sometimes, we just need some basics. Marcela Jurigová, an experienced stylist, says that the advantage of such clothes is that they can be easily combined. “Changing accessories that match nicely transforms your radiance.” At the same time, she reminds us that such an essential item does not have to be just a white blouse, black leather jacket, and jeans. “Not everyone likes the same material, for example. They also prefer different designs, cuts, etc. Alternatively, not all the items fit with their profession or lifestyle.”

When Marcela mentioned white as a basic color, she reminded us that it also has several shades and fits differently to each color type. “Clients are often amazed at what a detail such as the right shade of white can do with the face.”

Basic Wardrobe

It is essential for her to create a “basic” wardrobe based on the client’s colors, designs, and styles. Bringing the client’s personal style to the fore is important, too. “It needs to be meaningful and easy to match. At the same time, it is not supposed to be a uniform. We are all unique.”

If the style expert should be specific, she would advise women to include at least three to five blouses in the “basic” wardrobe. Both neutral and more colorful. The wardrobe should also include pants, skirts, and jackets in the right style, matching the colorful personality type. Add a neutral coat and dress, turning from a dress for a business presentation into the perfect outfit for a cultural evening.

“I always map the client’s lifestyle first and then design pieces that should be included in her wardrobe. Then, we fine-tune their colors and cuts. I do not support tips and tricks on what everything a woman should have. It works better when tailored to the client.”

Basic Wardrobe

It can be said that a woman’s wardrobe is an elaborate, complicated “information system,” and she uses its components to send clear signals.

What about the gentlemen? What should not be missing in their wardrobes? Jakub Abraham, etiquette expert, and men’s fashion coach, clearly states the jacket. “It forms an intermediate stage between formal and casual elegance. At the same time, I consider a black suit an essential piece of the wardrobe. This is a necessity for every man, and everyone has used it at least once. “Men have it, as it is said, easier, even in dressing.

On the other hand, Jakub confirms that even the staff in the boutiques often cannot fully and correctly advise the gentlemen. “Choosing a well-fitting suit is an art, and in certain cases, it is therefore advisable to deal with it directly with a specialist. An expensive suit is not enough. In particular, it is necessary to know how to wear it.”

Text: Eva Vašková, photo: pexels.com