Scented Garden

Scented Garden

Your garden can be filled with pleasant scents in early spring and even in fall. All you have to do is choose and plant the suitable types of flowers for your green kingdom. The variety of plants is broad. You can find greenery with fragrant flowers, but also leaves or fruits. Spring is the perfect time to start a scented garden.

The pleasant aroma characterizes many types of garden plants. However, its intensity varies depending on the type. While some plants have a very strong, intoxicating scent, others can only be sensed on windy days. Annuals, perennials, woody plants, bulbs, tuberous and biennial plants, or herbs can turn your garden into a natural perfumery. The flowers of exotic plants also smell beautiful. Planting them in pots will liven up your garden or terrace during the summer. The most beautiful plants with fragrant flowers are generally roses. However, many other representatives, often with more aromatic flowers, are also woody plants. A typical example is mock orange or lilac. Growing plants with nicely fragrant flowers or leaves were popular in the past. Today, it is still possible to admire the exemplary historical flower gardens and enjoy the captivating scents that fill them. Currently, aromatic plants are getting back into gardens and, at the same time, becoming a source of original garden aromatherapy. Well, it can be one of the ways to get rid of tension, stress, and life discomfort.

Scented Garden

Less Is More

However, a garden, especially a smaller one, should definitely not be filled with random fragrances. Remember, less is more. It will be much more beneficial if you prefer the type of fragrance that you like the most. Ensure your garden is filled with plant fragrances in spring, summer, and fall. Each season offers several suitable plant species. Remember that although the most common scent comes from blooming flowers, its sources can also be leaves, bark, or even fruits. Unfortunately, not every garden will allow aromatic plants to fully stand out and develop a typical fragrance. The scent may have a different intensity in the morning, day, or evening. In general, during warmer and sunny days, the fragrances in the garden are more pronounced; in colder periods, we perceive them less. Most aromatic plants generally like sunny and warmer places. Ideally, these should also be more protected. Therefore, the scent will be more intensive and will last longer. If you supplement your garden with fragrant plants, you will probably attract butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects to your area and help the environment.

Scented Garden

A Beautiful Flower Bed

Spring is an excellent time to start a scented garden. Most plants that are suitable for this purpose need enough sun, heat, and even moisture to start rooting. You can place individual species in the garden anywhere, but remember to give each plant exactly what it wants. The ideal form is a mixed flower bed, where you can concentrate several types of plants with fragrant flowers. However, choose fewer species and more seedlings from each. The larger the group of plants, the more intense the fragrance they will fill their surroundings. As for the most beautiful species of fragrant plants, in addition to the above, do not forget about lilies, daylilies, daphnes, cloves, lathyrus, violets, daffodils, hyacinths, snowdrops, hesperis, lavender, peonies, sage, mint, phlox, honeysuckle, arrowwood, wisteria, irises, and others. From exotic plants, try oleander or Brugmansia.

Text: Daniel Košťál, photos: Pexels